Italianate (1880-1900)


This style was loosely based on the Renaissance villas of Italy, which were characterized by an L- or T-shaped plan, low pedimented roof, a tower and classical detail application. Indirect influences came from American pattern books on picturesque architectural styles published in the late 1800s by people like A.J. Downing and Samuel Sloan. The style was brought to Manitoba by early settlers from Ontario where it was popular.


  • primarily a residential style
  • used in both symmetrical and asymmetrical forms
  • in the symmetrical form it can be rectangular or square in plan
  • the asymmetrical plan is L- or T-shaped, often with a tower
  • roofs are flat or with a very low pitch with extended eaves supported by ornate brackets
  • the design frequently includes a long verandah or central one-bay porch
  • bay windows are in an angular form
  • round and segmental arch window heads are common; frequently they are paired and the window head projects forward
  • the formal balance is often accentuated by pronounced mouldings, quoins and details
  • ornamentation is usually small in scale but densely grouped