Carberry – Modern Bakery

42 Main Street, Carberry, MB

Carberry’s Modern Bakery is a local institution. Opening in 1895, the building is a fine example of a pre-1900 brick business block.

The Modern Bakery sits in a prominent spot in Carberry’s downtown, a municipally designated heritage district. Most of the buildings date back over a century, between the 1890s-1910s, a time when Manitoba’s population was booming.

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42 Main Street, Carberry, MB
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The Crich family took advantage of this growth, building the two-storey commercial block in 1895 to house their family’s bakery business. The two-story Romanesque Revival Style building features intricate buff brickwork, stone foundation, and rows of arched windows capped with keystones. Like many commercial Romanesque Revival buildings, a flat roof with sawtooth and corbelled pilasters reaches up to the cornice.

The interior is simple, with a wooden staircase, plaster walls, and a wooden staircase.

The building has seen consistent use. After the Crich’s Bakery closed, new owners such as the Appels and the Alders continued to operate a bakery out of the space. The building played a prominent role in the social life of the community with a café alongside the bakery for many years.

On June 12, 2007, the Modern Bakery was designated a municipal historic site.